1. A multi-day workshop for pastors to hone the Craft of Preaching
  2. A multi-day workshop for pastors to hone the Craft of Preaching
  3. We look on the face of God in Christ and rejoice on account of His shed blood and righteousness which sets us free to be the people of God.
  4. Just as the condemnation embraces us even now, so too does the remedy and the promise. Both are found in the cross of Christ.
  5. God has filled our lives with moments, pieces of poetry, which reveal the gracious beauty and powerful mystery of the Trinity.
  6. When Jesus leaves His disciples, He leaves them in a world that is more fully alive because of His gift of the Holy Spirit.
  7. The real point of the tongues phenomenon lies not with spiritual endowments but in its redemptive historical significance.
  8. “Can these bones live?” God asks Ezekiel, challenging the prophet and all who have ever looked into the face of death, and calling for a response.
  9. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss the gospel reading from John for the Sunday of Pentecost.
  10. Happy Pentecost reading as, by the Spirit’s power and promise, you prepare to preach Christ Jesus, the One to whom the Comforter bears witness!

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